Our vision for a Funeral Sanctuary


and supporters of holistic funerals/gatherings/vigils/healing space for the Northern Rivers.


Most of you know we’ve been working single mindedly on making the vision of a beautiful, liminal and gentle death care space for the Northern Rivers a reality….

We have in fact, been on the case every SINGLE spare minute of every day! We have looked high and low, both in Lismore and in neighbouring Shires, some councils being gracious in their support of the vision, others not. One council even said “we don’t want to bring sadness into the area”. (I kid you not).

But most of all we have looked for a tranquil location with accessibility to nature in it’s flawless beauty. Because NATURE HEALS by striking peace into the grieving heart most profoundly.

And we think we are close! No leases signed, no DA’s approved just yet…. but we ask you to send us energy and love to keep the potential unfolding….

Sacred Earth Funerals

Our objective from the outset was to perpetuate healing after great loss by manifesting a sacred space where people gather, and are held in whatever state presents. A place that is safe to come undone to a self before loss, and remade after integration of that loss.

A beautiful place to honour and celebrate our dead and our grief, and our change. And to begin the journey home… making loss and change a deepening, enriching experience.

We believe we should expect more from modern funeral homes. Categorically, the bereaved should come first. A funeral space should be a SANCTUARY for the souls who gather and depart. A sublime and authentic space welcoming people as they are. A place where we keep the lamps burning for our dead, and never ever hold back tears when tears need to flow.

SACRED EARTH FUNERALS doesn’t believe we need another modern funeral home. Our community needs a Sanctuary. Help us, dear friends, in your good thoughts to make this place on Earth, a reality for all.

With love and huge amounts of gratitude,
