Church or other venue funeral

A funeral at your choice of location

A traditional church funeral

Classic faith based funeral service. Beautiful local churches provide the comforts of a traditional farewell. Sacred Earth liaises closely with church personnel to create a perfect farewell for loved ones and family with religious beliefs.

Our many Far North Coast churches provide ample choice for holy sacrosanct spaces of farewell.

Ask us for guidance, or simply provide us with your choice of church.

Other Venue & Outdoors

For lovers of the green Earth: garden, bushland, beach or riverside funerals in the solace of nature.

You may wish to choose a grave-side service in a tranquil cemetery,
or even a memorial ceremony in a hot air balloon!

We embrace all faiths and traditions, and all people, of all backgrounds and belief.

We are here for you.
We will listen and co-create your best farewell.

Contact us to find out how we can help

Ring us for any thoughts or questions on your mind. It’s our honour to serve your needs.