What to do following a death

Death is a safe passage. We would like to help normalise this most natural life transition by giving you the information you need to ease anxiety and stay present to what to do next.

If the death is expected, and your person dies at home, in your own time (no rush) you just need to ring 2 people.

1.Ring your attending doctor who will come to your home within 24 hours and leave you with a Cause of Death Certificate as well as a Certificate for cremation (where applicable).

2. Ring a funeral home that you trust.
With your Funeral Director from Sacred Earth, you will discuss a best time and approach to your loved one leaving home for the last time. This is a very big event, and needs to be treated with great insight and sensitivity. Choose your funeral home based on their level of genuine care.

If your person dies at home unexpectedly

1. Immediately dial 000 and ask for an ambulance to attend your home.
Paramedics will either revive and transport your person to hospital, or pronounce your person as deceased.

2. You can then ring your doctor and ask if they are able to attend and issue a cause of death certificate, but if not, the paramedics will involve the police and your person may come under coronial care in order to establish a cause of death.
When you’ve caught your breath, and had a cup of tea (because it’s the best remedy for shock), call your best funeral home and they will gently explain the range of possibilities that could happen next.