A Funeral in Your Own Home

… and why we created SACRED EARTH FUNERALS


In 2017 we began offering people the opportunity to keep their loved ones at home after a death. This was made possible with the profoundly healing experience of a 3 day Home Vigil. This home stay period often led to its natural conclusion with a Home Funeral.

After working in a modern funeral home, we were struck by the short comings of a service that was not designed to put bereaved people first. Coming into people’s homes to ‘remove’ the body of a loved one who had just died often caused huge after-shock for family who were left bereft and empty, with no body to mourn.

We wanted to support, empower and educate families as to their legal rights to take as much care of their own dead as they wished. Historically, this has been the healing way of our ancestors. With the gentle passage of time, people were best able to begin coming to terms with their loss.

It’s now 2019 we are in our 3rd year of caring for our community. We have expanded and developed into a holistic funeral home with two great objectives. Those are; family always first, and to honour and safeguard those going through the most significant transition of life: death.

We are grateful to be able to offer our community both guidance as well as practical funeral services in a continuum of end-of-life care. Our work begins as Doula to the Dying, and travels all the way through to sacred final disposition of our dead. We take care of everything surrounding a death, or just those parts families want help with.

We also run community engagement events and workshops throughout the year, encouraging people to have ‘the conversation’ and write their Advance Care Directives, so we can be assured of having our wishes honoured for as good an End of Life as we can have.

Sacred Earth Funerals exists to empower, care for and safeguard the dying and the dead, and their families. We advocate and promote death positive societies. We provide all end of life services, practical and emotional support. We care deeply for our community and we simply LOVE our work and our families!

Please join us in reclaiming death as a final embrace of life. Allow us to provide you with a path to come to terms with mortality in a profound and gentle way.

Contact/view/talk to us 🙂

To stardust we return

– With great care, blessings and love – Mimi ❤️